Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New Score on... CITY BIRD!!! 😎

City Bird... :-)

City Bird!!!

Has anyone played City Bird?!?! If you said no then what are you waiting for. Go ahead and download it. It's tons of fun! Plus it's free.... :-)))

Saturday, March 1, 2014

City Bird... App for iPhone's!!!

Hello my favorite people!

I just got the greatest news ever... City Bird is now available for iPhones! Yayayay! That's so exciting!!! It is an amazing game to play... I don't lie, I'm an honest person!

IPhone people this is your chance to play the best game there is on smartphones... go right now in your app store and download it. City Bird if you can't find it type Blue Polo Labs and it will definitely pop up. Make sure it matches my picture and you are all set to play the best game everrr! Even better it's FREE!!! COME ON PEOPLE! You have to download it. Trust me... once you start you can not stop.

The game is wonderful for all ages. It challenges you :-) Plus you can compete against your friends... who doesn't like being number one?!

So... what are you waiting for.... GO DOWNLOAD City Bird or type in Blue Polo Labs (that might be easier) PLUS it's FREE!!! :-D 

City Bird... App for Androids!!!

Hello my wonderful people!

I just wanted to let you all know of this wonderful game that you can play on the go where ever you go. It is an app for smartphones.

**If you have an android go to play store (that's where you download your apps) and type in... City Bird and when you do make sure it's by Blue Polo Labs. There game is AMAZING!!! No joke and if you want to make sure it's that game you can take a look at the picture I uploaded and make the information so you know you downloaded the right one. Plus it's FREE!!!

**If you have an iPhone you won't be able to download the game just yet because Apple is approving the game. Don't worry once it's approved for iPhone's I'll let you all know.

This game is wonderful and for all ages! PLUS it has a scoreboard so you can compete with EVERY one who plays it. Yay!

SO what are you waiting for.... go download the game (IT'S FREE!) :-)

The Manning's!!! :-)

The Manning's!!! :-)

From left to right it is... Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, and Cooper Manning. All of them are wearing the number eighteen because they are supporting their father.. Archie Manning! How cute is that. Too cute! :-*

Peyton Manning!

Peyton Manning he is the best quarterback in the NFL! No one in the whole wide world can compete against him. Peyton Manning is also a nice, loving, caring, funny, etc (I can go on and on). That's amazing to have a wonderful nfl player who is also kind to the people as well. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Denver Bronco Cookies! :-*

OMG!  Doesn't that look delish?!?! Heck yeah that looks so yummy! It's cookies plus it looks like the Denver Broncos. Who wouldn't want to eat those cookies???

My favorite cookie as you all know is the Jersey with the number eighteen written on it for Peyton Manning! ;-)

You Go Peyton Manning!!! :-)))

EVERYbody listen to Peyton Manning!

Sadly the Denver Broncos did not win the SuperBowl. That's okay... it happens and I'm not going to hate them for that. The Denver Broncos are my favorite team and nothings going to change it. I also LOVE Peyton Manning and I still do till this day. I'm not going to stop liking them because they lost the SuperBowl that would be dumb to do. A true fan wouldn't do that... I'm a true fan so there you go! :-*

Sunday, February 2, 2014

MVP Peyton Manning!

Peyton Manning records a video message as he's named NFL MVP for the fifth time in his career.

For more information you can go on the Denver Broncos official website...

Be Cool...

Only cool people do this... ;-)))


That's right! You read that right.... PEYTON MANNING BEAT TOM BRADY!!! HAHAHHAHA people saying Peyton Manning can't beat Tom Brady. Lies!!! PEYTON MANNING is amazing and guess what (to the people who doubted him) Peyton Manning won!!! In your face. Peyton Manning rules!!! :-))))

#18 ♥


I'm so proud of Peyton Manning! He is a wonderful guy :-) He practices and practices with his team, he helps people, he's funny, I can go on and on....

I'm just SO proud of him because he is going to the Superbowl!!! All this dedication and hard work will finally pay off when Peyton Manning Denver Broncos win!!! <333

Lets go Denver Broncos!!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

I'm SO excited for Peyton Manning!

I'm SO excited for Peyton Manning! I'm so happy that he's going to the super bowl and of course they are going to win. I love the Broncos with my whole heart and of course Peyton Manning! My favorite athlete in the whole wide world. I would do anything to meet him! :-)))

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Aww Peyton Manning got that right!!!

Look at the handsome man! Peyton Manning ;-)

Go Peyton Gooo! :-)

What I ALWAYS wanted for my birthday...

First time I saw this commerical that Peyton Manning is a toy. Ooh boy did I want that toy. Sadly I never got that toy. But I'm not giving my hopes up yet... anything is still possible. I can maybe get the Peyton Manning  toy now or near the future. If I do I'll let you guys know :-)

I ALWAYS wanted the Peyton Manning toy and its been like ten years since I started to want it. :-)

One day I'll get it. One day...

You can't fix stupid....

Gotta LOVE The MANNING's ;-)))

Peyton Manning is on the left side of the picture with the orange jersey. Eli Manning is on the right side of the picture with the blue jersey.

Let's go Peyton Manning!!! :-)

Ooooh my...

Haha you gotta love Peyton Manning! ;-)

This guy (Peyton Manning) beat Tom Brady ;-)

Hahhaha! Everybody saying that Tom Brady is going to win.... WRONG! Peyton Manning won :-) Peyton Manning is just that good! ;-)

Peyton Manning is going to the SUPERBOWL!!!

I'm so excited because Peyton Manning is going to the SUPERBOWL! I'm so proud of him and his teammates. They all did a wonderful job! They are all amazing people and I love them all! I'm so excited for the superbowl because I know the Denver Broncos will win.... because they are duhh AMAZING! ;-)

Everybody listen to Peyton!!!

Go Peyton Manning and Wes Welker!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Peyton Manning's Interview ;-) Hehe <--- If you can type this in because it won't let me show the video from my phone. Sorry!

This will be my wall one day....

Who wouldn't want this to be there wall?!?! Everybody in the world would love to have this.... Peyton Manning! ♥♡♥

I WANT this jersey SO bad!!!

This is the baddest Peyton Manning Jersey everrr! I FREAKING love it... truly the best! The color is amazing! The number is amazing! The name is AMAZING! Just like the person with the name.... duh Peyton Manning ;-)

Mr. Peyton Manning!!! ;-)))