Friday, August 17, 2012

Laughing Peyton!

Make A Pass, Peyton!(;

Gooo Gooo Gooooo!!!

Read It!!!

Looking like a G!!!!(;

Not About Peyton...But OHH MY GOD!!!!

So, this post isn't about Peyton Manning which I NEVER EVERRR do.... Sooo keep reading. I went with my favorite people to a place to try this Cheese Steak Sub and he kept saying it's soo good this and that. My sistaaa and I didn't believe him at all....we should believe him now I'll tell you why!

I got a Cheese Steak Sub and OHHH MYYYY GOD was it delicious, yummy, refreshing, and fabulous!!! Yes, you read it right people! When I was eating I'm like "I'm soo thankful to be able to eat this wonderful Sub! Thank you God for making that happen!" Then when I finished it I got like a baby barf, yes you read it right... Baby Barf! You would think baby barfs are nasty, taste yucky, and smell bad. Nooope, not this baby barf....This one felt so good and right to do. Then the breath, awe man did it smell amazing!!! You have to try it out people I'm not lying trust me!(:

Come and try this wonderful Sub and they have other amazing foods too!!!


When you try to have to let me know what you think of it soo comment on my blog or post it on my wall! Noo joke people it's sooo freaking amazing! I want more but can't eat more because I have to go to a wedding and I have to wear a dress, hopefully it fits it not... It was worth it bahhaahaaa!!!  :D

The Dark Side

Lmfaoo ohh man, this movie would be awesome if it was real!!!! :D